Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fire exploration

To Light
I made the candle fire from the geometry.
For the fire I prepared compound shader with the opacity map.
The animation of burning I made by animating the noise parameters.

Finished in winter, 2008

Cave Explosion

I made the fire by geometry with procedural shader.
For the fire I prepared compound animated shader with displacement map. Thanks to the Pete Draper for the amaizing tutorial

Finished in Winter, 2008

3D Clouds

To create the volumetric shader of the clouds I used the Sitni Sati Afterburn plug-in.

Finished in Fall, 2007

Wheels of Fire

Storyboarding Drawing, Montage, Animation, 2D & 3D Tracking, Compositing.

Before all there was a long way of approvement of the storyboard and montage…
Also I preapared the special rig for car to animate the car dymanics, prepared the fire and smoke (and dust), prepared the 2D backgrounds, composed all passes together, 2D and 3D tracking. Adding street light, final color correction.

Finished in Winter, 2007