Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Alexander. The Neva Battle

(feature film)

Saint Alexander Nevsky was the Grand Prince of Novgorod and Vladimir during some of the most trying times in the city's history.(The first half of 13 century.) Commonly regarded as the key figure of medieval Rus, Alexander was the grandson of Vsevolod the Big Nest and rose to legendary status on account of his military victories over the German invaders while employing shrewd conciliatory policies towards the powerful Golden Horde....

The true story about the Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky: who is loved by people, but has many opponents. In picture he is shown as a gallant soldier, farsighted diplomat and the man of deep wisdom.

This is one of the first feature film projects i was involved in. My tasks was addition of the people in the background, boats on the water and ash in the final battle scene.

Here is some of the scenes i was worked on ..

Ash was made of particles ..

Finished in Summer, 2008

the imdb page:
site of the customer: